Page 53 - Birkdalian 2011/2012

Senior School Charity
2011 - 2012
This year, Birkdale
Senior School have
been supporting
Paces Charitable
uk), a Sheffield
aimed specifically
s p e c i a l i s e d
education for those with disabilities, especially those
suffering from cerebral palsy. Paces School had the
humble beginnings of starting in 1992 by a group
of parents whose children had cerebral palsy. They
had seen conductive education at the Peto Institute
in Budapest, and decided to create their own school
to aid those here in the UK. Paces School currently
teaches 30 full-time pupils
whilst also offering a
leaping the void’ program
that is designed to aid
young adults with cerebral
palsy on starting a career
as well as teaching
them to live in the wider
community. Paces is on
its way to become one of
the first Special Education
Free Schools having been
nominated as one of
the few schools to pass
through to the Department
of Education third phase
of application. Our Head
of Instrumental Studies, Dr Pitfield, is the Deputy
Chairman of Paces Trustees.
Birkdale celebrated a highly successful charities week,
with various activities raising money for Paces Trust.
The breakfast club managed to make £96 by providing
hot sandwiches in the morning just outside the art
block and Birkdale’s Got Talent, which was won by
Adam Dilke-Wing with some fantastic dancing, raised
£70. The ever-popular non-uniform day raised a
massive £620 for Paces. The cake sales were another
huge success, with Heeley raising £51.30, Hall raising
£59.37, Griffiths raising £87.41 and Asterley raising a
huge £104.26!
The coin race is a money raising game with a twist.
Each of the school’s houses has a labelled jar, and the
value of coppers adds to the jar’s value (i.e. 1p and 2p
coins) whereas every other coin decreases the value of
the jar. The idea is to put any coppers you own into
your own house, with other coins going to your rivals!
The coin race managed to raise £150.13 in total for
the charity.
In total, through all of the week’s events, the massive
sum of £1238.47 was raised for Paces. A highly
successful week!
West Street live was also host to Birkdale’s Charity
Rock Night, starring Birkdale’s own bands: This Red
Rock, Thunderbox and The Lionworks.
Cameron Starbuck