Page 42 - Birkdalian 2011/2012

Boys and staff were delighted to welcome four-time Oscar winner
Nick Park to the Prep School on Friday 18th November.
There was much excitement as the boys eagerly awaited the
arrival of Nick plus two of his friends – Wallace and Gromit.
The boys gasped with delight when Nick took real Wallace and
Gromit models from their case.
He explained how the models were made and how a film was
put together. Many lucky boys had the opportunity of asking
Nick questions like “How old were you when you made your first
film?” and “Why does Wallace like cheese so much?”
Pre-Prep pupils were delighted to show off the play-doh models
they had made in his honour. Nick also judged an art competition
where over 40 boys created storyboards with a theme of “Wallace
and Gromit at the Beach”. Nick was thoroughly impressed by the
standard of the work with first prize of a signed sketch going to
Joel Ford in P4.
Mr Burch said “We feel very lucky to have welcomed such a
special guest. It was a fantastic morning, one which the boys
will remember for a long time to come.”
Pre Prep Nativity
Curtains were up for the first Birkdale Pre-Prep Nativity
of December 2011!
It was an early start for the Pre-Prep boys at 9.30am on
Monday 12th December, but enthusiasm and courage
were in abundance, and the boys were ably assisted by
their director, and talented playwright, Mrs Fletcher.
The accompanying music was provided by Jonathan
Walker (Drums), Chris Wells (Guitar), Ruth Davis (Flute),
Mr Bish (Guitar) and Mr Jones, as always, on piano.
The performance began with a brilliant musical
number sung by a selection of Pre-Prep 3 boys, and
it developed into a traditional Nativity, with lots of
upbeat tunes, creative costumes, and a surprising
French twist; where the boys attempted an ‘on-trend’
A favourite scene of ours was Scene 2, which saw the
carpenters perform an outstanding number. The boys
had clearly put a considerable amount of effort into
learning their lines, and it certainly paid off!
Other notable performances came from Nathaniel
Morrison as Joseph, William Greenwood as Isaiah, Tim
Burton as The Angel Gabriel, Teddy Geering as King
A Grand Day Out
At Birkdale Prep